Blogger-Tipping Apps

Flattr Lets You Show Appreciation to Your Favorite Bloggers and Websites

Flattr is a new website that lets people donate to bloggers and other websites online with just the click of a button. Flattr lets users make "social micropayments," which are basically online tips to bloggers for their good work.

Flattr works like this: you sign up and put in a flat rate for your month of tipping. If you visit sites that you like that have a Flattr badge, you can click on it to tip/donate to them. At then end of the month, all of your clicks will be added up by Flattr and the money you put in will be distributed to the sites you clicked on. Flattr probably won't be able to pay a blogger's bills, but it gives the reading public a nice way to show gratitude to all of the hardworking bloggers out there.
Trend Themes
1. Social Micropayments - Developing payment options that are easy and accessible for users to share with content creators such as bloggers.
2. Digital Gratuity - Creating rewarding mechanisms on a digital platform for content creators to receive gratuity from their readership base.
3. Personalized Content Creation - Fostering unique content creation for bloggers who have a dedicated readership by allowing readers to show appreciation through micropayments.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Content Creation - Content creators such as bloggers and vloggers who have a following of dedicated readers.
2. Digital Payment Solutions - Payment providers developing innovative payment solutions for micropayments that can easily integrate with digital content providers.
3. Social Media - Social media platforms looking for ways to enable gratuity services to content creators on their platform to cultivate engagement.

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