Assault-Preventing Apps

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The Fight Back App Lets Women Call for Help with the Push of a Button

New Delhi-based Whypoll and CANVASM are developing the Fight Back app, an app designed to get women help when they feel unsafe. The app was developed in response to the rape rate in the city which has grown 760% in 18 years.

The Fight Back app is designed to send a text message to five preset numbers, including the police, when a woman feels unsafe. Included in the text message is the sender's current GPS coordinates. The app can also notify Facebook and Twitter in case extra help is needed. The Fight Back app seems like it would be great for not only Indian women, but for women around the world. The app will be available to download from the Whypoll website sometime in the near future.
Trend Themes
1. Assault-preventing Apps - The development of apps that aid in preventing assaults.
2. Women's Safety Technology - The creation and application of technology that enhances women's safety.
3. Smartphone Emergency Services - The development of emergency services through smartphone applications.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The tech industry can benefit from the development of innovative safety technology.
2. Social Media - The integration of emergency services with social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.
3. Law Enforcement - Police departments can implement the use of assault-preventing apps for improved community safety.

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