Fidget Toy Manufacturing Games

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The Fidget Factory Board Game has Players Race to Develop a Product

The Fidget Factory board game is a product development pastime that will offer players with a way to try their hand at building their very own fidget cube before the time runs out.

Developed by Matthew and Mark McLachlan, the game is inspired by the duos previous success developing and crowdfunding the Fidget Cube toy that became a runaway success on Kickstarter. Players will have to work diligently to create a fun toy, while also keeping an eye out for the troll, how much coffee they have left and much more.

The Fidget Factory board game comes as a cheeky, entertaining new take on tabletop games that will offer players with the ability to try their hand at all the fun parts of product development.
Trend Themes
1. Fidget Toy Game Trends - A trend in board games that involve building and inventing fidget toys.
2. Product Development Game Trends - A trend in board games that simulate product development and invention.
3. Crowdfunding Board Game Trends - A trend in board games that involve crowd funding for product development.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing Industry - Developing and marketing fidget toys for a new market in board games.
2. Game Manufacturing Industry - Creating new board games that simulate product development with fun and entertaining gameplay.
3. Crowdfunding Industry - Developing games that involve crowdfunding for product development, providing a new avenue for game-based marketing and sourcing funding.

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