Fat-Filtered Celebs

These Celebrities Gain a Couple Pounds with the FatBooth App

BuzzFeed imagines what your favorite celebrities would look like with a few extra pounds using the FatBooth app.

We look up to the rich, famous and beautiful. We aspire to have radiant skin, taut tummies and legs that go on for days, just like they do. Do celebrities ever have fat days, we wonder, staring at the glossy pages of Vogue and InStyle. Blackheads? Bad hair days? The list is endless. We just want to know, are celebrities human? Are they really like us? Because sometimes it feels like they are genetically-engineered cyborgs, specially designed to make us feel bad about not having a thigh gap or wearing a D-cup.

No, the double-chins on these celebrities are not real, but they might make you feel a little better about yourself.
Trend Themes
1. Body Positivity - There is an opportunity to create technology and services that promote healthy body image and self-love, rather than negative stereotypes.
2. Virtual Makeover Apps - Continued development of virtual makeup and body modification apps may lead to further innovation in the beauty and fashion industry.
3. Social Media Influencers - The impact of social media influencers on self-image and the beauty industry presents opportunities to create ethical, sustainable and diverse marketing strategies and messages.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty - The beauty industry can seize the opportunity to offer inclusive products, services, and messaging that defy rigid beauty standards and promote body positivity.
2. Fitness - The fitness industry can embrace health and wellness as a holistic approach, rather than a narrow goal focused on weight loss or muscle gain.
3. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can discourage the objectification and scrutiny of celebrities' bodies by promoting diverse representation and narratives that celebrate talent and creativity.

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