Candid Tourist-Themed Portraits

The Ones 2 Watch 'Far Away From Home' Series is Unstaged

The Ones 2 Watch 'Far Away From Home' editorial boasts unstaged and candid portraits that resemble those taken by tourists while traveling abroad. Photographer Macarena Rubio is behind the image series which features subjects of all ages who are captured snapping pictures with selfie sticks or while checking out natural wonders and other notable destinations.

Featuring families, single travelers and couples, this unique portrait series embodies authenticity. The unposed series boasts minimal editing and is an honest portrayal of travelers looking to preserve memories through photography.

While online publication The Ones 2 Watch is primarily known for its high fashion editorial coverage, its latest feature is more candid, spotlighting real people versus traditional models -- ultimately capturing a real world take on casual Normcore styling.
Trend Themes
1. Candid Portraits - Capturing unstaged and authentic moments in photography.
2. Tourist-inspired Photography - Bringing a tourist-like perspective to professional photography.
3. Authentic Travel Memories - Preserving genuine and unedited moments through photography.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - Incorporating candid and unstaged moments in fashion editorials.
2. Travel and Tourism - Highlighting the genuine experiences of travelers through unstaged photography.
3. Photography Equipment - Developing innovative tools and accessories to capture candid moments during travel.

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