Airflow-Promoting Family Dwellings

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This Vietnamese Home Welcomes Breeze Through a Curved Facade

Flow House is an innovative new family dwelling, situated outside the brutally hot and humid Da Nang City in Vietnam, that has been designed to leverage the latest and greatest in sustainable design in order to foster air flow in order to relieve the home's occupants from the region's infamous weather.

Designed by NAW Studio, the Flow House comes equipped with a unique curved facade that is inundated with a trio of gaps that aim to promote air flow much like a vent. In addition to promoting the infiltration of air, the shape of the facade also aims to mitigate exposure to the sun, which is all the more important considering that the facade faces west.

In addition to boosting comfort without requiring gratuitous amounts of air conditioning, the curved facade of this family dwelling also gives it a unique and beautiful aesthetic appeal.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Housing Design - Designing homes with innovative and sustainable features to tackle weather changes in different regions.
2. Natural Ventilation Systems - Utilizing unique gaps and curved facades to promote the inflow of air, without excessive use of air conditioning.
3. Climate-responsive Architecture - Creating structures that dynamically change their form and function to respond to the varying weather conditions for the betterment of the users.
Industry Implications
1. Construction Industry - Innovating sustainable homes using modern design and technology.
2. Real Estate Industry - Incorporating green design elements to increase the resale value of properties.
3. Architecture Industry - Responding to the climate change-induced weather variations and designing innovative, smart homes and communities for healthy living.

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