Funny Facebook Graph Searches

'Slacktory' Explores the Inappropriate Uses of Graph Search

The world's largest social network made quite a stir recently when they announced Facebook Graph Searches.

The new feature is essentially like a Google search, but specifically for friends and their interests. It's being touted as a way to discover similar interests, hobbies and likes with your friend list and beyond.

Facebook Graph Searches sound like a great idea, but one doesn't have to think too hard about all the ways that this can be a little creepy and lend credence to instances of cyber-stalking. This idea is brought to light in hilarious fashion by comedy site Slacktory's exploration of the inappropriate and strangely specific possibilities.

Hopefully Facebook will come up with a way to make this new feature slightly less creepy.
Trend Themes
1. Privacy Preserving Graph Search - The need for privacy preserving graph search functionalities that protect user data while still enhancing discovery and recommendations within social networks.
2. Alternate Graph Search Uses - The exploration and development of alternate graph search uses beyond user discovery to drive social commerce or help users find housing and job opportunities based on location, interests and skills.
3. Graph Search Analytics - The analysis of graph search data to understand user behavior, preferences and interests, and to improve personalization and targeting in ads by providing more relevant content and recommendations.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - Social media platforms can develop privacy preserving graph search functionalities and alternate graph search uses for their users that enhance user experience while still protecting privacy.
2. E-commerce - E-commerce companies can leverage graph search analytics to better understand user behavior and preferences, and to provide more relevant product recommendations and advertising to their users.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can use graph search analytics to gain deeper insights into target audiences and to develop more effective campaigns that resonate with their interests and preferences.

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