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Exposed Underwear Ban

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Atlanta Cracks Down

Underwear is no longer a sacred item seen only by your intimate partners -- for the last decade, underwear has been on prominent display across western societies. Though men seem to have cleaned up their act now, it wasn't too long ago that low riding jeans with boxer shorts protruding from the top were seen on every urban corner. Women, on the other hand, still have a lot of pulling up to do. Big Ys sticking out of the back of low-rise pants doesn't exactly leave much to the imagination -- great, you're wearing a black thong, I see it, now can you stuff your cheeks back into your jeans?

The city of Atlanta has had enough, and they're ready to crack down on anyone exposing thongs, boxers, or even bra straps. The city will give out fines (the amount still to be announced) if the new act goes into place.

"The target is young men who wear their pants low off their hips to show off the two pairs of boxers they wear beneath their saggy pants," wrote of the so-called North American "epidemic."

"Under the proposed ordinance, women also couldn't reveal the strap of a thong beneath their pants. Nor could they wear jogging bras in public or show off even a wisp of a bra strap.

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