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Exploding Disney Princess Videos

The New 'Exploding Actresses' Video Features Headless Princesses

Simon Rosellini, curator and creator of the fantastic Exploding Actresses Tumblr, has created a brand new video featuring several headless Disney princesses. The video consists of several clips from iconic Disney films, including Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. The clips all show a princess singing one of their famous songs. Right at the climax of the song, their heads explode. It's a morbid twist on Disney films, but because of the unexpected "bang" as their heads explode, it's also a hilarious take on some of pop culture's most iconic characters.

As a graphic designer, Rosellini is incredibly adept at animating these exploding heads in a realistic fashion. In fact, the animation is hardly perceptible compared to the original Disney drawings. This realism makes the video even funnier, since it truly looks as if Snow White, Ariel, Jasmine, Belle and Cinderella are all victims of some sort of exploding head curse.

Exploding Actresses has put forth a couple of other videos in addition to this one. The first features actresses from old classics, like The Sound of Music, while the second features romantic movies, like When Harry Met Sally. Again, the actresses' exploding heads are extremely realistic and occur at hilarious points in the films. For that reason, Exploding Actresses is probably one of the cleverest and most original blogs on the internet.

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