Viral Hoaxes as Art

Gallery Sells Prints of $999.99 iPhone App

We've seen this image before, when Armin Heinrich swindled a handful of rich folks into shilling out $999.99 for the non-functioning, useless I Am Rich iPhone app. The app was taken down by iTunes, but not before Heinrich made a few bucks for himself off of it.

Now the I Am Rich app has been reborn, as a framed print sold in a gallery in Hamburg, Germany. According to Valleywag, Hamburg is a port city that is home to more millionaires per capita than any other city in Germany. One of the purchasers of the original I Am Rich iPhone app lived in Hamburg. Wonder if he'll bite at this hoax too.
Trend Themes
1. Viral Hoaxes - Creating viral hoaxes to generate buzz and interest among consumers.
2. Art as Commentary - Using art as a medium to comment on societal issues and provoke discussion.
3. Reimaging Useless Products - Transforming useless or obsolete products into novelty art pieces with monetary value.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Art industry could look into incorporating technology and pop culture elements into their works.
2. Technology - Technology industry could explore creating more tongue-in-cheek products that generate buzz through viral hoaxes.
3. Marketing - Marketing industry could utilize viral hoaxes to create buzz and generate interest around products or companies.

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