Savory Cricket Snacks

Exo's Cricket Flour Bars Now Come in Low-Sugar Flavors

Exo is a brand that's best known for producing a line of sweet protein bars made with cricket flour. Joining a range of products that taste like Cocoa Nut, Apple Cinnamon and Blueberry Vanilla are three new savory meal bars in Barbecue, Mango Curry and Mediterranean. As Gabi Lewis, the co-founder of Exo notes: "People are moving away from sweetness in general and embracing healthier, more savory options."

Protein from insects is likely to become increasingly important as global populations rise, especially since insects have such a high nutritional value and low environmental impact compared to animal-derived proteins.

The practice of eating insects has not yet caught on in many parts of the world, but with wholesome ingredients, high-protein content and intriguing flavors crafted by a group of Michelin-starred chefs, Exo is paving the way for public acceptance.
Trend Themes
1. Savory Cricket Snacks - There is an increased demand for savory snack options instead of sweet ones.
2. Protein From Insects - There is an emerging trend of using insects as a more sustainable protein source.
3. Michelin-starred Flavor Innovation - Gourmet chefs are experimenting with unique and exotic flavors to create new snack options.
Industry Implications
1. Health Food - The health food industry can capitalize on new savory protein bar flavors.
2. Sustainable Protein - The animal feed and agricultural industries could benefit from investing in insect farming as a sustainable protein source.
3. Gourmet Snacks - The gourmet snack industry can explore new flavor possibilities with high-protein cricket flour.

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