Street Culture Clips

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The Evolution of Skate by Shoe Power Outlines 40 Years of Boarding

The Evolution of Skate is a revolutionary video by Shoe Power that speaks to the true rebellious origin of skateboarding. Though skateboarding began as a hobby, it has blossomed into a cultural movement over the past 40 years.

The Evolution of Skate acknowledges and outlines the growth of board culture, showing its 1970s origins, 1990s heyday and current popularity.

What the Evolution of Skate video hopes to bring to light is the staying power that the skateboarding culture has. Set to a wicked soundtrack, this viral video represents forty years of youthful rebellion.
Trend Themes
1. Skateboard Culture Evolution - The rapid evolution of skate culture and its influence on fashion, music, and social norms opens up opportunities for wearable tech innovation, video streaming, and e-commerce.
2. Sports and Streetwear Collaboration - The intersection between skateboarding, sports and fashion gives birth to new opportunities for collaboration between sportswear, footwear, and fashion brands as they appeal to a new generation of consumers who appreciate authenticity and simplicity.
3. Virtual Reality Skateboarding - The increasing popularity of skateboarding and VR technology provides opportunities for the development of VR skateboarding experiences that enable beginners and experts to simulate and practice new tricks and flips in a safe and controlled environment.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Skateboarding Industry - The Fashion and Skateboarding industry can work together to create new clothing collections that appeal to skateboarders, build skateparks in urban locations, and host skateboarding competitions to promote the sport
2. Tech Industry - The Tech industry can integrate video streaming technology into skateboard designs, develop wearable tech accessories for skateboarders and develop VR skateboarding experiences that simulate skateboarding sites around the world
3. Sportswear Industry - The Sportswear industry can design and manufacture skateboard specific shoes that are durable, trendy, and comfortable, collaborate with streetwear and fashion designers to create skateboard branded merchandise, and open retail stores in urban locations where skateboarders can hang out and shop for exclusive skateboarding apparel.

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