Daily Superhero Depictions

The Everett Downing 365 Supers Illustrates Heroes for Each Day

A Pixar artist's dedication to his new year's resolution three years ago has finally come to an end with the Everett Downing 365 Supers collection.

In 2010, the Pixar artist was set on creating 365 new superheroes by the end 2013 and has completed them just in the nick of time. Though it may seem simple at first, Everett Downing encountered a similar problem that writer's have but in illustrative form, a blockage where he could not move ahead with his project. After a friend encouraged the artist and realizing that he was over thinking things, Downing continued to create superheros like Mulch, Shock and Awesome, Fem-Bot, Fright Knight, The Red Dwarf and many others for each day of the year.
Trend Themes
1. 365 Supers Illustrations - Opportunity for artists and illustrators to create daily superhero depictions as a creative challenge.
2. New Year's Resolution Projects - Potential for individuals to set ambitious creative goals and see them through to completion over multiple years.
3. Overcoming Creative Blocks - Innovative approaches to overcome creative blocks, such as seeking encouragement from friends and simplifying the creative process.
Industry Implications
1. Animation and Entertainment - Animation studios and entertainment companies can explore opportunities to showcase and market daily superhero illustrations in various mediums.
2. Art and Design - Artists and illustrators can leverage the trend of creating daily superhero depictions as a means to challenge themselves and gain exposure.
3. Self-improvement and Personal Development - Platforms and services can cater to individuals looking for unique and ambitious creative projects to engage in over an extended period.

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