90% Are Eco-Liars

Faking Green To Boost Your Popularity

A survey recently conducted in the UK is saying that people are lying to appear more eco-friendly. I can see the need to lie about the size of your penis, but faking the amount of electicity you use, or incresing your recycling heap is the craziest thing I've heard today.

I blame the celebrities. If wasn't for stars like Leonardo DiCaprio with his new documentary "The 11th Hour" or Brad Pitt in his hybrid car or Matt Damon and his H20 Africa Foundation, which gathers support and distributes funds for clean water projects in critical areas then people would continue to be ignorant on how to save the planet. So maybe lying is a step in the right direction maybe the 9 out of 10 people will get off their lazy butts and actually go green.

Now I better turn off this computer so I can save money on my next energy bill.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Status Symbol - There is a trend of people faking their eco-friendly habits to boost their popularity and social standing.
2. Celebrity Influence on Environmentalism - Celebrities promoting environmental causes are driving people to fake their eco-friendly actions for social validation.
3. The Need for Eco-education - The lack of awareness and knowledge about sustainable practices is leading people to falsely portray themselves as environmentally conscious.
Industry Implications
1. Eco-friendly Products - The rise in people faking eco-friendly habits presents an opportunity for the eco-friendly product industry to create innovative solutions for genuine sustainability.
2. Sustainable Fashion - The trend of faking eco-friendly habits highlights an opportunity for the sustainable fashion industry to provide authentic and transparent eco-friendly options.
3. Environmental Education Services - The need for eco-education presents an opportunity for the environmental education industry to develop innovative programs and resources to educate people about genuine sustainable practices.

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