Pet-Focused Staircases

This Ergonomic Staircase is Specifically Designed for Small Dogs

Those who have had a small pet know how the effect that a non-ergonomic staircase can have on their furry friends. This project by 07BEACH architecture studio changes the way small pets experience steep stairs and creates a unique concept that caters to their size.

07BEACH architect Joe Chikamori conceived this split staircase design that combines a human-intended side with one that is narrower and specifically designed for small pets. The ergonomic staircase is carefully crafted with small canines in mind but is also practical for cats who have a fear of steep stairs.

This pet-focused design project illustrates millennials' growing appreciation of man's best friend and the family member status of pets in most modern homes.
Trend Themes
1. Pet-focused Architecture - As pet ownership rises, architects can innovate on building designs catered to the needs of pets for houses and public spaces.
2. Ergonomic Pet Products - The rise of ergonomic pet products has given rise to new product categories such as pet steps, stairs, ramps and cat perches, which can be integrated into contemporary designer furniture.
3. Pet-inclusive Home Design - Design-forward pet products can stimulate demand for pet-inclusive home design, leading to new business opportunities for interior designers, contractors, and sustainable building developers.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architecture firms can create pet-friendly spaces by innovating unique staircase designs, pet parking lots, elevated pet watering stations and dog bathtub enclave designs.
2. Pet Products - Ergonomic pet products are seeing steady growth, and companies can capitalize on this trend by innovating on color, design, sustainability, and materials.
3. Home Design - The demand for pet-friendly design in new homes and home renovations could give rise to a new industry for home builders and interior designers.

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