Marginalized Voice Databases

Equity at the Table Aims to Bring Diversity to the Food Industry

Designed to showcase women/gender-non-conforming individuals, the Equity at the Table (EATT) is a searchable database of activists, bakers, lawyers, authors, chefs and other professionals in the food industry. The database is the brainchild and special project of author Julia Turshen, who was inspired to create Equity at the Table after looking at similar databases like Women who Draw and Creatives of Color. The database hopes to shed light on the lack of diversity int he food industry and hopes to inspire more women/gender-non-conforming individuals of color to enter and make an impact on the food industry.

To create the database, Turshen started by forming an advisory board of activists, writers and food makers. In its current state, only POC and/or queer women/gender non-conforming individuals can submit to part of the professionals section, but sections for lawyers, publicists and accountants are open to all women. While Equity at the Table is currently just a database, Turshen hopes that the platform will eventually include job openings, surface opportunities and community building elements.
Trend Themes
1. Diversity in Food Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a platform that connects food industry professionals with diverse backgrounds, highlighting their skills and experiences.
2. Inclusion Databases - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create searchable databases that showcase marginalized voices and professionals in various industries, promoting inclusivity and diversity.
3. Equity and Representation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build platforms or tools that address the lack of diversity and representation in different industries, supporting equitable opportunities for underrepresented individuals.
Industry Implications
1. Food Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce technology solutions to increase diversity and inclusivity within the food industry, such as platforms that connect diverse talent with opportunities.
2. Startups and Tech - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop technology-driven solutions to create inclusive databases and platforms for underrepresented professionals in various industries.
3. Social Impact - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Focus on creating platforms and tools that promote equity, representation, and inclusivity, addressing societal challenges and empowering marginalized voices.

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