Terpene-Enhanced Honeys

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Florida Honey Pot Farms' CBD-Infused Honey Helps to Soothe Anxiety & Pain

Florida Honey Pot Farms is introducing the first-of-its-kind Terpene-Enhanced Honey, offering natural sweeteners that fuse the benefits of honey and CBD. The CBD-infused honey products by Florida Honey Pot Farms include Bee Chill, which features the terpenes nerolidol, pinene and geraniol for anxiety relief, as well as Bee Fluid, which is enhanced to specifically address pain and inflammation. Similarly, Bee Relieved is touted as an "all-natural alternative pain reliever" that can be spread over toast or stirred into a favorite beverage on a daily basis.

Some of the other uniquely enhanced honey products that are now being introduced by Florida Honey Pot Farms include Harvest Blend Wildflower honey, Cranberry Chutney Orange Blossom honey and Ginger Orange Blossom honey, which boast fruity and floral flavors.
Trend Themes
1. Terpene-enhanced Honey - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the use of different terpenes in honey to create customized wellness benefits.
2. Cbd-infused Honey - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new CBD-infused honey products for targeted relief, such as anxiety relief and pain management.
3. Enhanced Honey Flavors - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experiment with various natural flavors to create unique and enticing honey products.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine honey with other natural ingredients to create products that promote wellness and relief.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate CBD-infused honey into different food and beverage products to offer new and unique flavor experiences.
3. Alternative Medicine Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the potential of honey-based products as alternative remedies for pain relief and relaxation.

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