Cat-Mimicking Models

This Emily Abay Photography Explores an Effervescent Side of Life

Emily Abay photography shows the artist's rare quality of capturing models who all seem to share a certain default level of contentment.

Whether the models are laying in the sun on a beach or just dancing in a parking lot, you can’t help but get the sense that the underlying emotion in each shot is one of deep satisfaction. This is a relatively counterintuitive concept when compared to the overriding materialism of most fashion shoots. This Emily Abay photography doesn’t seem to be too interested in making models strike ridiculously sexualized poses.
Trend Themes
1. Contentment-centric Photography - There is an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the photography industry by focusing on capturing contentment in a world that craves it.
2. Counterintuitive Fashion Shoots - Disruptive innovation can be achieved in the fashion industry by producing shoots that focus on emotions and contentment instead of materialism.
3. Natural Model Poses - There is potential for disruptive innovation in the modeling industry by using more natural, non-sexualized poses that capture genuine emotions like contentment.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The photography industry can benefit from disruptive innovation by exploring contentment-centric themes and capturing more natural, genuine emotions in models.
2. Fashion - Disruptive innovation in the fashion industry can be achieved by creating shoots that focus on emotions and contentment rather than materialism and sexualization.
3. Modeling - The modeling industry has the opportunity for disruptive innovation by moving away from sexualized poses and placing more emphasis on natural, non-sexualized poses that capture genuine emotions like contentment.

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