Emergency Escape Buttons

Tiyo is an Emergency Button to Get You Out of Bad Dates and Situations

No matter how careful you are, sometimes you just happen to land yourself in a situation that seems to have no escape—but this is where the Tiyo emergency button comes in handy. Whether it's an awful date, a snooze-worthy meeting or just an awkward conversation, pressing the Tiyo Button will help you extricate yourself from whatever you'd rather not be a part of.

Tiyo works when you press the button on its keychain, which will then send you a call. Ahead of time, you have the option to make customizations to make the fake call seem more realistic, such as specifying who the call is coming from. To make your escape seem as natural as possible, the conversation includes a script so that you can be out of there in no time.
Trend Themes
1. Emergency Extrication - Technology-enabled emergency escape buttons will continue to rise, whether to escape bad dates, awkward conversations, or other unpleasant situations.
2. Customizable Scripting - The trend towards customization in applications will extend to emergency escape technologies as people seek more convincing and personalized fake calls.
3. Discreet Alerting - Discreet but effective alerting mechanisms that can be carried on the person will continue to be developed for wider safety roll-out.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Safety - Personal safety wearable technology will continue to grow in the consumer market with applications such as Tiyo.
2. Dating Apps - Dating app providers can leverage the customization trend as well as the potential integration of emergency functionality.
3. Security Apps - This trend also applies to security apps and companies with a focus on personal safety.

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