Rocking Businesswear Accessories

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The Electronic Piano Tie Can Actually be Played

Everyone has seen a novelty piano tie at some point, but what makes the Electronic Piano Tie from so different is its ability to actually play music when you push on its keys. Surprise everyone in your office with this fun, stylish neck tie that includes 8 notes -- each key producing a different tone, of course.

The tie’s knot also functions as its speaker and provides room-filling sound. So get ready to bust out your own rendition of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' this casual Friday and have everyone in the office begging for an encore. The Electronic Piano Tie will have all the ladies in your office begging to give it a whirl, and, who knows, with all the extra attention, your boss may even notice you more as well and give you that promotion you’ve been asking for.
Trend Themes
1. Musical Businesswear Accessories - Combining music and fashion to create unique and innovative business accessories.
2. Interactive Novelty Wearables - Designing wearable items with interactive components for entertainment and practicality.
3. Functional Fashion Accessories - Creating fashion accessories with practical uses and added features.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Exploring the potential for interactive and functional clothing accessories in the fashion industry.
2. Music - Developing wearable instruments and musical accessories for musicians and music enthusiasts.
3. Corporate Gifts and Promotions - Providing unique and entertaining business apparel options for corporate gifting and promotions.

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