Spontaneous Employee Dances

This Electric Slide at Microsoft Store Video Makes Me Glad I Buy Apple

Okay, so I’m doing a little bit of gauntlet-throwing with my subtitle, but after watching this ‘Electric Slide at Microsoft store’ video, I’m relieved that I buy Apple. Microsoft store employees in a Mission Viejo, CA store broke out in dance this week, performing the Electric Slide in an effort to showcase their fun sides.

The Electric Slide at Microsoft Store video results, though, are mixed. Guy Kawasaki titled his Holy Kaw! post "Microsoft employees force coolness…fail miserably." Even Windows fans are crying "Fail." See if you can get through the video above long enough to weigh in below.
Trend Themes
1. Employee Engagement Activities - Implementing spontaneous employee dances as a way to engage and showcase the fun side of employees.
2. Brand Personality - Using spontaneous employee dances as a method to create a more relatable and fun brand image.
3. Social Media Virality - Capitalizing on the potential for viral videos by encouraging employees to perform spontaneous dances.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retail stores can leverage spontaneous employee dances to create a unique and engaging in-store experience for customers.
2. Tech - Tech companies can adopt spontaneous employee dances as a way to boost employee morale and create a positive work environment.
3. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can explore partnerships with businesses to create choreographed dances that align with their brand and values.

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