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Electric Folding Bikes

Yike Bike, the Smallest and Lightest

The Yike Bike is changing the face of the electric folding bike. Soon to be the smallest and lighest electric folding bike on the market, Yike Bike is definitely cycling in the right direction.

Weighing just 9.8 kilograms and folding small enough to fit in a backpack, the Yike Bike is a great alternative not only to the traditional bicycle, but also to gas-guzzling vehicles. Equipped with a small yet powerful 1.2 kW electric motor, it features a top speed of 12.5mph. In one charge it can run up to six miles.

Although the price tag might be a tad heftier than the bike itself, you’re looking at $4860, the pay off in the end will balance is sure to balance it out. Think green!

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