Famous Scientist Robots

Unresponsive Einsteinbot Gives People Blank Stares

In Japan, they have robots doing dishes and tai-chi, but watch this one geek try his best to get a response from an Einstein robot, but fail to get more than just a vacant look.

Trend Hunter's huge collection of articles shows dozens of incredibly advanced robots, we even have our own category for them, so something as unresponsive as this 'bot is quite surprising for us to see.

Supposedly, the designers at Hanson Labs have designed a bot that will follow with eyes, smile and frown when appropriate using 32 motors.

This is the fourth such bot. Perhaps Einstein was just thinking "Who is this Einstein making faces at me?"
Trend Themes
1. Advanced Robotics - Opportunity to develop more advanced and responsive robots to enhance human-machine interaction.
2. Emotionally Intelligent Robots - Potential for creating robots that can accurately express emotions and mimic human facial expressions.
3. Interactive Humanoid Robots - Opportunity to design interactive humanoid robots that can engage with humans in conversations and activities.
Industry Implications
1. Robotics Industry - Potential for innovation in creating more responsive and emotionally intelligent robots.
2. Artificial Intelligence Industry - Opportunity to develop AI algorithms to enable robots to mimic human emotions and facial expressions.
3. Consumer Electronics Industry - Innovation potential in creating interactive humanoid robots for entertainment and personal assistance purposes.

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