Egg Candles

Cool Candles That Won't Crack or Scramble

Egg candles are a clever idea. Candles are known for their unique ability to class up a room and set an atmosphere, but rarely do candles ever illicit a "Ohh I wasn’t expecting that" type of reaction.

Until now. When these egg candles melt they reveal a nice yellow yolk, just like a real egg! This isn’t really something to use exclamation points over, but I think it’s clever. Check out the links below to pick up a few.
Trend Themes
1. Food-inspired Candles - opportunity to create unique and fun candle designs using inspiration from different types of food.
2. Surprise-revealing Products - opportunity to create products that have unexpected surprises or features that are revealed with use or interaction.
3. Novelty Home Decor - opportunity to design and market unique and playful products that add a touch of whimsy to home decor.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - The home decor industry can capitalize on the growing demand for unique and playful decor items such as egg candles.
2. Candle Making - The candle making industry can explore new designs and product features that surprise and delight customers.
3. Giftware - The giftware industry can offer unique and fun products such as egg candles that make for great gifts or conversation starters.

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