Eco-Friendly Status Seekers

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The Dark Greens

If your family is pooping in your yard and sleeping together in the same bed, you might be 'carborexic,' according to some ecology experts. These individuals call themselves the “Dark Greens” to signify their total and complete dedication to reducing their carbon footprint on the planet.

Others, however, call the Dark Greens carborexic and deem their behavior obsessive-compulsive and unhealthy.

Implications - Society is growing more and more concerned with the state of the planet and humanity's impact on it, and this is something that is increasingly evident throughout design, advertising, architecture and politics. As eco awareness continues to gain prominence, businesses can stay in favor with eco friendly products that show how they are on the same page as their customers and clients.
Trend Themes
1. Eco Awareness - Opportunity for businesses to develop and promote eco-friendly products that align with consumer values.
2. Design for Sustainability - Potential for businesses to integrate sustainable practices and materials into their design process.
3. Green Advertising - Businesses can capitalize on the growing eco-consciousness by creating advertisements that highlight their commitment to the environment.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Goods - Can develop and market eco-friendly products to appeal to the increasing demand for sustainable options.
2. Architecture - Opportunity to incorporate sustainable design principles and materials into building projects.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Businesses can create campaigns that promote their eco-friendly practices and products to appeal to conscious consumers.

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