War Weapon Selfies

'Drone Selfies' Questions the Role of These Machines During Peacetimes

'Drone Selfies' is a series of images by IOCOSE that questions the role of these killing machines if war was to ever come to an end. The photos present the drones capturing themselves in front of mirrors with their camera-taking abilities.

IOCOSE is made up of a group of artists from Italy who believe that if world peace did occur, the drones would "conform to today’s ubiquitous social scenario of selfie-snapping and point their built-in cameras to mirrors in an act of vanity," as stated on DesignBoom. Basically their belief is that the pressures of everyday life would become so strong that the machines would take on these human characteristics.

While this is simply an art project, it's quite disconcerting to see a machine that's capable of such atrocities in such familiar settings. Photo Credits: designboom, iocose.org
Trend Themes
1. Drone Selfie Culture - Opportunity to explore the intersection of drone technology and social media culture to create innovative products.
2. Post-war Drones - Opportunity to repurpose drone technology for non-violent uses in a post-war world.
3. Humanizing Technology - Opportunity to explore how human qualities can be integrated into technology to create more relatable machines.
Industry Implications
1. Military Technology - Exploration of how drone technology can be repurposed for non-violent military uses.
2. Social Media - Opportunity to explore the intersection of drone technology and social media culture to create innovative products.
3. Art and Design - Exploration of the use of art and design to raise questions about the implications of technology on our society.

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