Surreal Hallucinatory Portraits

These Kyung Sunghyun Dream-Like Portraits are Eerily Fantastic

Korean artist Kyung Sunghyun has outdone himself with his dream-like portrait series featuring several blurred and fantastically morphed figures. Each of his paintings mimics overexposed photography. Figures are blurred and appear as if they're in the process of moving. Instead of using photography, however, Sunghyun captures the same effect using paints.

One of the most striking pieces in the series is a close-up of a face, its mouth gaping open in the middle of a scream. Combined with the blurred effect, this painting becomes chillingly suggestive of a mental or nervous breakdown. Each piece has such an intensity, almost an aggression, that viewers cannot help but feel nervous when looking through Sunghyun's series.

By mimicking a photo effect using fine arts, Sunghyun has shown that even with an advancement in technology, painting and other arts can keep up and produce a similar if not better effect. These dream-like portraits, even though they were not captured with a camera, are so emotional and personal that they are impossible to forget.
Trend Themes
1. Dream-like Portraits - Opportunity for artists to create surreal and emotionally captivating artworks using painting techniques that mimic the effects of photography.
2. Blurred Figures - Potential for photographers and digital artists to experiment with blurring techniques to create captivating and visually immersive images.
3. Mimicking Photo Effects - Avenues for artists to explore innovative ways of replicating the aesthetic of photography using traditional mediums and techniques.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - The fine arts industry can embrace and adopt new techniques that blur the lines between photography and painting, creating unique and captivating artworks.
2. Photography - Photographers can explore blurring techniques and experiment with capturing and amplifying emotional intensity through blurred figures.
3. Digital Art - Digital artists can leverage advancements in technology to replicate the dream-like and surreal effects seen in Kyung Sunghyun's portraits, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in digital art.

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