Dream-Directing iPhones

The Dream Controller App Seeks to let Users Influence Their Dreams

The far-fetched fictional technology of the blockbuster film Inception might still be well beyond the realm of possibility, but that hasn't stopped the creators of the newly released Dream Controller App from seeking to offer users the chance to play a role in shaping the course of their nightly dreams.

The basis of the Dream Controller App lies in a series of recording messages and sounds that people can queue up to be played while they are asleep. By carefully timing the playback of these noises messages, the apps creators argue that users could theoretically shape the course and the outcome of their dreams.

As of yet Dream Controller app comes default with a library of pre-recorded dream noises such as rainfall, an audience's applause and an airplane but more are being added continually. Without a doubt this is one phone app that is sure to generate equal amounts of skepticism and excitement.
Trend Themes
1. Lucid Dreaming Apps - As technology advances, more apps like Dream Controller will be developed to offer users control over their dreams.
2. Sleep and Dream Technology - The development of the Dream Controller app is part of a larger trend of technology being used to improve sleep quality.
3. Personalized Dream Experiences - People are increasingly interested in customizing their dream experiences and technology like Dream Controller is making that possible.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - The Dream Controller app is just one example of the many innovative app concepts that could be developed.
2. Sleep Technology - The use of technology to improve sleep quality is a growing industry with many opportunities for innovation and disruption.
3. Entertainment - The idea of controlling dreams through an app is an example of a new kind of personalized entertainment that could potentially take off.

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