Mythical Steampunk Statues

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Kreatworks's Dragon Sculpture Likely Won't Fit in Your Home

This enormous dragon sculpture by Kreatworks is available for sale on Etsy. It's definitely not for the average consumer as it stands almost 11-feet-tall and is selling at over $10,000. But, if you have a massive cathedral ceiling and enough dough to spend, it would certainly make an epic addition to the house.

Despite the massive scale of this dragon sculpture, no intricacy is spared. The creature contains amazing steampunk-inspired detail that represents an accurate portrayal of a dragon anatomy -- not that there is an official biological diagram of this fictional beast.

Kreatworks has a few other pieces available on his Etsy account such as a steampunk Alien and Predator. This dragon takes the cake for scale and price tag, however.
Trend Themes
1. Steampunk Sculptures - The popularity of steampunk-inspired sculptures like Kreatworks's dragon indicates a growing demand for unique and intricate art pieces that merge fantasy with industrial aesthetics.
2. Etsy Art Market - The presence of high-priced sculptures like Kreatworks's dragon on Etsy showcases the platform's potential as a marketplace for rare and exclusive artworks, catering to a niche audience.
3. Large-scale Art Installations - The creation of immense sculptures like Kreatworks's dragon suggests a trend towards larger and bolder art installations that make a grand statement and attract public attention.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Collectibles - The art and collectibles industry can explore opportunities to capitalize on the demand for steampunk-inspired sculptures and attract art enthusiasts and collectors looking for unique pieces.
2. E-commerce - E-commerce platforms like Etsy can leverage the popularity of high-priced sculptures to expand their offerings and attract a niche audience interested in exclusive and unconventional art pieces.
3. Public Art - City planners and art organizations can consider commissioning and installing large-scale sculptures to enhance public spaces and create memorable art experiences for residents and visitors.

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