Aquatic Robots

Dr. Maurizio Porfiri's 2nd Generation Robotic Fishes Protect Marine Life

It seems that Dr. Maurizio Porfiri has taken design cues from an animated movie for his second generation robotic fish, which look more like toys than robots.

Dr. Maurizio Porfiri is a professor of mechanical engineering at New York University who created prototypes for the preservation and protection of marine life.

These prototypes would be used underwater and deployed with schools of fish to lead them and influence their behaviour. The robotic fish are capable of swimming, and lead the aquatic creatures away from dangers such as natural disasters and any underwater obstacles created by the human.

Dr. Maurizio Porfiri believes that with his research into the behaviour of schooling fish, the aquatic life would reap the benefit for preserving a balanced ecosystem.
Trend Themes
1. Marine Robotics - Developing aquatic robots with advanced capabilities present opportunities in marine conservation and ocean exploration.
2. Bio-mimicry - Robotic fish mimickng the movements and behavior of real fish may have applications in a variety of industries, including defense and agriculture.
3. Behavioral Robotics - Studying the behavior of aquatic creatures can pave the way for designing innovative robots that influence and coordinate the movements of animals and humans alike.
Industry Implications
1. Marine Conservation - Developing aquatic robots to assist in marine conservation efforts can help maintain biodiversity and sustainability of ocean ecosystems.
2. Defense - Aquatic robots that mimic animal behaviors could be useful in the detection of underwater threats and defense against them.
3. Agriculture - Advancements in biomimetic robots can improve agricultural practices, such as crop inspection or pest control.

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