Poignant Dead Animal Photography

Down to Sleep by Emma Kisiel Captures Deceased Wildlife

When it comes to death, people are compelled to avert their eyes, especially when it involves wild animals--it is simply the way of life; yet Down to Sleep by Emma Kisiel, a photographer born in New York, raised in Colorado and based in Kansas, is a series that forces people to take in the sadness and beauty of such occurrences. Unlike her 'At Rest' series, these dead animals are captured as is and not memorialized on the spot.

In the vein of Victorian post-mortem photography, Down to Sleep by Emma Kisiel does appear to capture animals that have laid their heads on the ground for some much-needed shuteye. As written on her website, "While in some ways repulsive and confrontational regarding human mortality and fear of death, Kisiel’s photographs draw attention the inherent beauty of the animals of America’s Wild and the domestic realm."
Trend Themes
1. Poignant Wildlife Photography - The trend of capturing deceased wildlife in a poignant and thought-provoking manner presents opportunities for photographers to explore the beauty in the sadness of death.
2. Human Connection with Nature - The trend of photographing dead animals encourages individuals to confront their mortality and reflect on their relationship with the natural world, opening up opportunities for artists, environmentalists, and wildlife conservationists.
3. Reviving Victorian Aesthetics - The trend of emulating Victorian post-mortem photography in contemporary art allows artists to explore the intersection of life, death, and beauty, sparking innovative approaches in photography and visual arts.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The photography industry can leverage the trend of portraying deceased wildlife to create emotive and thought-provoking storytelling content for various purposes, including artistic exhibitions, environmental campaigns, and educational materials.
2. Art and Design - The art and design industry can embrace the trend of capturing the beauty in death to create compelling and evocative works that challenge societal perspectives on mortality and ignite conversations about the interconnectedness of life and nature.
3. Wildlife Conservation - The wildlife conservation industry can utilize the trend of photographing deceased animals to raise awareness about the fragility of ecosystems, the impacts of human activities, and the importance of preserving biodiversity.

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