False Relationship Photoshoots

Double Life by Kelli Connell Appears Believable

Double Life by Kelli Connell is a series of fascinating photographs that look like a real relationship between two middle-aged women. This collection of photos captures the women in public and private places embracing and gazing over at one another. After paying careful attention it becomes clear that Kelli Connell has integrated two pictures with the same model into one photo, and duplicated the model in various poses to create a false relationship.

To create these photos Connell "scans and manipulates two or more negatives in Adobe Photoshop." This constructed reality brings up various issues surrounding gender, identity and sexuality as it shows an intimate relationship between two women. Connell is currently a teacher at Columbia College in Chicago, and images from Double Life have been included in various solo and group exhibitions throughout the United States.
Trend Themes
1. Constructed Reality Photography - The trend in photography can be explored through advanced photo manipulations and create new styles of photography.
2. Gender and Sexuality Representation - A demand for a wider range of identity, gender, and sexuality representation can be seen as a backlash against traditional norms in art.
3. Mixed Media Art - The trend involves using multiple images to create one story or artwork that challenges the viewer's perception of reality.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Photography - Incorporating manipulated images that challenge the norms of gender and sexuality representation can create a new aesthetic and resonate with audiences.
2. Marketing and Advertising - False Relationship Photoshoots can be used in marketing campaigns to stand out from the crowd, break through the campaign noise, and create memorable experiences.
3. Fashion Industry - False Relationship Photoshoots could be used by fashion brands to showcase their products in the unconventional context of the relationship narrative, as well as contribute to challenging traditional social norms and representing a more diverse audience.

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