Distorted Alter Ego Photography

Doppelganger by Cornelia Hediger Awkwardly Portrays Space and Body

The photo series titled Doppelganger by Cornelia Hediger, a photographer based in New York, New York, is surreal for a number of reasons. The two overriding factors, however, revolve around the fact that she appears more than once in each frame as a different character and that her surrounding space and body has been distorted ever so slightly. The latter is achieved through the use of grids that lets her manipulate the photos after shooting them.

Exploring the sense of a fractured self, Doppelganger by Cornelia Hediger further delves into this topic by involving various alter egos. She elaborates eloquently, "The idea of the Doppelgänger also allows me look the alter ego, the conscious mind vs the unconscious mind, inner conflicts, the duality between good and evil and split personalities"
Trend Themes
1. Alter Ego Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new techniques and technologies for creating realistic and visually impactful alter ego photographs.
2. Distorted Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use advanced image manipulation algorithms and software to create unique and mind-bending distorted photographs.
3. Fractured Self - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways to visually represent the concept of a fractured self through photography and digital art.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative tools and techniques for photographers to push the boundaries of visual storytelling.
2. Digital Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create cutting-edge software and platforms for digital artists to experiment with unconventional and surreal artistic expressions.
3. Image Manipulation Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Invent advanced algorithms and tools for manipulating and distorting images in creative and visually stunning ways.

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