Asanas for Animals

Crunch Gyms Offer 'Ruff Yoga' Classes

The ancient practice of yoga has always led to peace and enlightenment, but not even the masters could have expected that its modernization would apply as much to creatures with four legs as those of us blessed with only two. Already popular in Japan, dog yoga has also caught one in some bigger American cities, notably New York.

Also known as 'Ruff' Yoga, this new American craze may well prove that a dog’s life isn’t all that bad. More and more, owners are taking their dogs to yoga classes--a chain of gyms has actually started offering yoga classes specifically for dogs. The trend is quickly catching on, but started at "Crunch" in New York City.

During a recent session held at Madison Square Park, the class attracted nearly twenty people and their pets. In these classes, owners read "pooch stories" to their pets, give them big kisses and place them into yoga positions so that the dogs can concentrate. This is all supposed to make the walk in the park easier for both pets and their owners.

The benefits of dog yoga include the reduction of stress for both owners and animals. According to most animal behaviorists, people who have stressful and nutty animals are usually stressful and a bit nutty themselves. Break the cycle. It helps to create a happier, healthier human-dog bond.
Trend Themes
1. Dog Yoga - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop specialized yoga classes and accessories tailored specifically for dogs.
2. Pet Wellness - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative products and services that promote wellness and stress reduction for pets and their owners.
3. Human-animal Bond - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways to strengthen the bond between humans and animals through unique activities and experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate pet-friendly workout programs and facilities within the fitness industry.
2. Pet Care - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop pet-focused services and products that improve the well-being and happiness of pets.
3. Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offer educational programs and resources on pet wellness and the benefits of activities like dog yoga.

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