Extreme Self-Sufficiency

Glue Assisted DIY Hair Transplant for Male Pattern Baldness

During financial recessions, like the one we’re experiencing, people become extremely self-sufficient and discover creative solutions for problems they might otherwise spend money to solve. Whether that was the motivation behind Scott’s ‘hair transplant’ or not, he certainly has come up with a unique hair restoration method.

Scott is a balding 29-year-old male who, tired of his receding hairline, decided to take action. Armed with a bushy beard and a bit of Elmer’s glue, he performed his version of a hair transplant by cutting his beard and gluing it to his head. He seems pleased with the end result, though someone pointed out that if only he’d used "Dow Corning clear silicone RTV to glue the hair, it would stay on in the shower and rain."

Crowdsourcing solutions is definitely better than going it alone.
Trend Themes
1. Extreme Self-sufficiency - People are becoming extremely self-sufficient and finding creative solutions to problems during financial recessions.
2. Glue Assisted DIY - DIY methods using glue for hair restoration are gaining popularity.
3. Crowdsourcing Solutions - Crowdsourcing solutions are becoming a preferred alternative to individual problem-solving.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - The personal care industry can explore innovative DIY hair restoration methods using glue and other materials.
2. Cosmetics - Cosmetic companies can develop new products that cater to individuals seeking DIY methods for hair restoration.
3. Crowdsourcing - Crowdsourcing platforms can provide a space for individuals to share and find creative solutions for various problems.

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