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Stunning DIY Floral Letters

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HonestlyYum Teaches You How to Make Pretty Floral Letters

This Valentine’s Day show your sweetie your soft side with these DIY floral letters.

To make these you will need a variety of flowers, metal marquee, letters,
garden clippers, wet floral foam, large bowl and toothpicks. This is a simple task that doesn’t require much hard work- but it is easier to use fake flowers because they don’t require water and your piece will last longer without having to retouch it. Simply stick the stems in the foam attached to the letters and in no time you have your own blossoming masterpiece.

You can get as creative as you want with longer words, or keep it minimal with a simple ‘XO’. These letter blocks can also be used for weddings, or if it’s in your home it will also add a fresh look to the decor and keep it beautiful long after Valentine’s Day.

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