Subverted Holiday Traditions

This Nativity Scene is Made Entirely of Human Hair

What is wrong with people? This nativity scene made entirely from human hair is foul. Granted, the beauty school that created this nativity scene has gotten a lot of attention as a result of this beast of a viral, but would you want to actually attend the school after watching this video? Me neither--I would rather gouge my eyes out with a spoon. They even threw in some sexy woman for good measure... (YAWN)
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Materials - Exploring alternative materials for traditional crafts like nativity scenes could lead to more sustainable and eco-friendly options.
2. Shockvertising - Using controversial or unconventional materials to create art or products can generate buzz and viral attention, as seen with this human hair nativity scene.
3. Controversial Art - Pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable or appropriate in art can provoke conversations and challenge societal norms, as exemplified by this provocative nativity scene.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Artists and designers can use unconventional materials and techniques to create unique and thought-provoking pieces, like this human hair nativity scene.
2. Education and Training - Beauty schools and educational institutions can explore innovative ways to engage students and attract attention, such as creating unconventional displays like this viral human hair nativity scene.
3. Sustainability - Businesses focused on sustainability can find opportunities in developing eco-friendly alternatives for traditional crafts and products, like a nativity scene made from sustainable materials instead of human hair.

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