Bundled Streaming Price Tests

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SirusXM is Testing Discounted Bundle Packages with Pandora Content

SiriusXM and Pandora are testing discounted bundle packages, as the company prepares to tie the two services together. Currently, tests for discounted bundle packages are intended to entice customers from one of the services to sign up for the other, and the company is currently testing different price points.

Chris Phillips, the SiriusXM/Pandora chief product officer & head of technology, spoke about the company's cross-promotional efforts, "We’re giving listeners choice. But when we give them choice, we want them to be able to have the best of what we offer in many places." Phillips also stated that the organization is 'cross-pollinating' content across both platforms.

Overall the discounted bundle packages could help the organization consolidate its listener base, in total the two platforms have a combined 100 million United States listeners each month.
Trend Themes
1. Bundled Streaming Services - SiriusXM and Pandora are testing discounted bundle packages to consolidate their listener base.
2. Cross-promotion Techniques - The SiriusXM/Pandora chief product officer & head of technology spoke about the company's cross-promotional efforts to bring the best of what they offer.
3. Price Optimization Strategies - The organization is currently testing different price points to entice customers from one of the services to sign up for the other.
Industry Implications
1. Music Streaming Industry - Discounted bundles and cross-promotion techniques can be applied by music streaming services to gain and retain customers.
2. Telecommunication Industry - Bundled streaming services can be an excellent opportunity for telecommunication companies, offering discounted packages to their customers.
3. Digital Content Providers - Price optimization techniques, such as discounted bundles, can bring more customers to digital content providers' platforms.

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