Life-Failing Tutorials

Find Out How Easy it is to Disappoint Your Parents in 61 Seconds

There are so many ways to disappoint your parents that it's amazing parents everywhere haven't disowned any and all offspring. In this viral video from BuzzFeedVideo, which already has over 2 million views in two days, you can find out even more ways to make your parents question their life choices.

Get a tattoo, move back home, date that girl they really hate and then break up with her once they realize they might actually like her; the options are not only intuitive, but they seem almost endless. Basically do everything they don't want you to do and don't do anything they want you to, like finishing school.

If you want pointers on how to disappoint your parents, this video gives you a one minute breakdown.
Trend Themes
1. Parental Disappointment - Creating products or services that capitalize on the humorous and relatable experience of disappointing parents.
2. Viral Tutorial Videos - Producing and promoting easily shareable and humorous tutorial videos that provide quick lessons or tips on a variety of subjects.
3. Rebellion as a Form of Expression - Exploring opportunities for products or services that allow individuals to express their independence and individuality, even in ways that may disappoint their parents or traditional societal norms.
Industry Implications
1. Online Media - Producing and disseminating viral tutorial videos through online platforms to reach a wide audience.
2. Comedy Entertainment - Developing comedy shows, videos, or products that feature the relatable topic of disappointing parents for humorous effect.
3. Tattoo & Body Modification - Creating innovative products or services in the tattoo and body modification industry that appeal to individuals looking to express their independence or provoke parental disapproval.

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