Digitally-Assisted Billiards

College Students Simplify the Game of Pool

College students Justin Needham and Matthew Straub have created a pool cue that digitally aids the shooter in billiards. The cue uses cameras and mirrors to show where the cue ball will strike and the resulting interactions of the other balls. The cue was initially created in order to show the physics involved in billiards.

Some may call this cheating; others may condemn the cue as a sin by bringing schoolwork into a fun game. Either way, it’s a cool way to update your hustling pool shark skills.

Though still in early stages, the students also have some future improvements listed. It is crazy what a couple of college students will do to get an A.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Billiards - The integration of technology in recreational sports activities, enhancing the experience and engagement of users.
2. Smart Cue - The development of pool cues equipped with camera and digital interfaces that provide real-time analysis and guidance for players.
3. Augmented Reality Sports Equipment - The use of augmented reality to enhance the visualization and performance of sports equipment, making them more effective for athletes.
Industry Implications
1. Sports and Recreation - Integrating technology in sports equipment to enhance user experience and interaction with the game.
2. Educational Technology - The development of educational aids that use gamification to make learning more engaging and fun for students.
3. Gaming - Developing games that integrate with real-world physical activities and encourage engagement in physical sports.

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