Deceased Digital Legacy Services

Startup Planned Departure Helps You Pass On Your Online Assets

When people pass on nowadays, their last testament and will can often be confusing as it no longer only reflects the physical world but a digital legacy as well. UK startup Planned Departure allows the deceased to securely store their Bitcoin and Twitter followers for their loved ones or non-profit organizations.

Virtual currencies and other assets found online can be organized through Planned Departure. The digital legacy of Planned Departure's customers -- from their smart wallets to social media passwords -- will be in safe hands and help loved ones deal with affairs.

This service indicates how preparing for the afterlife will look different as technology continues to change our lives at a rapid pace. Instead of just a physical existence to worry about, it now extends to the digital one as well.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Inheritance - Planned Departure's secure storage of digital assets for the deceased showcases potential for an industry that caters to managing and transferring online accounts to loved ones.
2. Cryptocurrency Management - Planned Departure's ability to securely store Bitcoin for the deceased presents an opportunity for an industry that specializes in the long-term management of cryptocurrencies.
3. Legacy Planning - Planned Departure highlights a trend of individuals seeking to manage and plan for their digital legacy, indicating potential for an industry that offers comprehensive legacy planning services.
Industry Implications
1. Estate Planning - The estate planning industry can incorporate digital inheritance as a new service to cater to the rising need of managing and transferring online accounts of the deceased.
2. Cryptocurrency - The cryptocurrency industry can adopt the long-term management model of Planned Departure to cater to individuals who want to ensure the safe transfer of their digital assets after death.
3. Social Media Management - The social media management industry can expand its services to include digital legacy planning to meet the needs of individuals looking to manage and transfer their online social media presence after death.

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