Deadly Crime Scene Photography

Diego Levy Puts Life and Limb in Danger to Document Drug Violence

Diego Levy is a photographer whose subject matter is decidedly more extreme than your average shutterbug. His harrowing photographs focus on the rising drug and gang-related violence that has dominated Buenos Aires, Medellin, Rio de Janerio and Mexico.

Diego Levy's selected portfolio features several photographs that are equal parts heartbreaking and terrifying. His photographs provide a view into a world that many prefer to ignore. While television and movies often add a cinematic sheen to murders and drug violence, Diego Levy's photographs leave you feeling the real human cost of such action.

Some of the pictures are distressing, consisting of families finding out their beloved relative has been shot, guns pulled out during disagreements in the street and children looking on with interest as a man is held and cuffed on the round. However, these images definitely help put a real human face on the numbers that often dominate the news.
Trend Themes
1. Documentary Photography of Violence - Diego Levy's photographs are a prime example of documentary photography that focuses on societal issues that many would rather ignore.
2. Exposing the Real Cost of Violence - Levy's photographs provide a shocking insight into real human emotions and reactions to violence.
3. Human Cost Over Numbers - The photographs provide a view of the human cost of violence rather than just reporting numbers in the news.
Industry Implications
1. Photojournalism - Levy's photographs demonstrate an opportunity for photojournalism to unearth the hard-hitting realities of the world.
2. News Media - Diego Levy's photographs can be used by news media outlets to inform people about the human cost of violence and its impact on communities.
3. Documentary Making - Diego levy's works demonstrate an opportunity for documentaries to focus on the real human cost of violence.

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