Speakeasy Dessert Bars

This Elegant Dessert Bar Features a 1920s Theme

This elegant modern-day dessert bar features decor and menu branding from a 1920s speakeasy. 'Mosquito Dessert' is a dessert experience bar creatively designed by Glasfurd and Walker. Simply put, this dessert bar is "a champagne bar without the caviar and a dessert bar without with frosting."

The delightfully elegant bar uses deep sensual colors of navy blue contrasted with soft lighting and candles with pieces of bronze decor. The decor pieces catch the soft light and resemble a star-scattered night sky. The design concept is to provide guests with the feeling of an upscale nightclub from the 1920s.

From the luxurious furniture to the wallpaper and menus, everything is custom designed to cater to the experience of the guest. This beautiful bar is just a small yet sophisticated room located in Gastown, Vancouver.
Trend Themes
1. 1920s-themed Dessert Experiences - The trend of creating dessert bars that evoke the atmosphere and aesthetics of the 1920s provides a unique and immersive dining experience.
2. Decadent Lounge-style Decor - The trend of incorporating deep sensual colors, soft lighting, and custom-designed decor pieces in dessert bars creates an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication.
3. Personalized Menu Branding - The trend of custom designing menus to match the theme and aesthetic of dessert bars enhances the overall guest experience and elevates the brand image.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can benefit from the trend of creating 1920s-themed dessert bars by offering unique experiences to attract and delight customers.
2. Interior Design - The interior design industry can capitalize on the trend of incorporating decadent lounge-style decor in dessert bars by providing curated furnishings and lighting solutions.
3. Graphic Design - The graphic design industry can find opportunities in personalized menu branding for dessert bars by creating visually appealing and cohesive menu designs that match the overall theme.

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