House-Converted Billboards

DesignDevelop Turns Ads into Shelters for the Homeless

The Gregory Project is an initiative by DesignDevelop that tackles the issues of homelessness. Billboards are expensive to upkeep, yet so many companies put dollars towards this form of advertising. This project questions how the space surrounding the billboard can be used as more than just somewhere to promote a service or product.

DesignDevelop has proposed to add on small shelters to the billboards, with money going from the paid advertisements to the upkeep of these spaces. Lighting the billboard is costly too, but this would also provide light for the person staying inside the area. One concern with these types of shelters is whether or not people would also use them for other activities such as drug use and prostitution, which is a concern among homeless people. Photo Credits: designboom,
Trend Themes
1. Homeless Billboard Shelters - Designing and building small shelters on billboards to help the homeless while also generating advertising revenue.
2. Repurposing Advertising Space - Transforming traditional advertising space into functional and practical environments for the greater good.
3. Socially-conscious Advertising - Advertising campaigns that not only promote a brand but also address social issues like homelessness.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising Industry - Opportunity for advertising companies and agencies to develop new and innovative ways to incorporate socially conscious messages in their campaigns.
2. Real Estate Industry - Opportunity for developers and property managers to create and maintain unique and affordable housing solutions for the homeless population.
3. Social Services Industry - Opportunity for non-profit and social service organizations to partner with advertising and real estate industries in addressing homelessness with innovative solutions.

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