
Tell Everyone How? is the grandma of the modern Internet citizen; she uses a cool web 2.0 site to give you tips on how to manage the tiny things.

Put dropped ice cubes in a plant pot. Date and sort bills for easy payments. Find gently used furniture in affluent areas... and get paid to "tip" at, where you can share tips on households, gardening, career, finance, travel, technology... all areas of life of the modern person. Successful tip submissions are paid US$3. Cute for the ever-helpful who have always a tip to share.

This nifty new site is the kind of Web 2.0 that I love: clean, open, honest look. Inviting. Participative. Curated content generated by the people. The content is cleanly organized and has a feel-good air. Lovely!
Trend Themes
1. User-generated Content Platforms - There is an opportunity for the creation of more platforms that harness user-generated content for the benefit of others.
2. Crowdsourced Tip Sharing - There is potential for businesses to create tip sharing platforms that are specifically crowdsourced, both online and offline.
3. Monetizing User Tips - There is potential for businesses to create new ways of monetizing user-generated tips and creating greater incentives for tip sharing.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Technology companies could potentially create platforms similar to that focus on specific areas, such as household management or travel tips.
2. Retail - Retail companies could potentially create tip sharing platforms that provide advice on how to use products effectively and sustainably, potentially increasing customer loyalty.
3. Finance - Finance companies could potentially create tip sharing platforms that focus on saving money and investing, potentially attracting new customers and creating greater engagement with existing ones.

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