Dance Mania Virals

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Ely Kim's 'Boombox' Video Makes You Want to Get Up and Move

This video of Ely Kim is one of the most epic dance mania virals I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing. In his video Boombox, Kim dances 100 different ways in 100 days to 100 different songs in 100 different locations.

What puts this video at the top of the large pile of epic dance mania virals out there? As if the numbers aren’t impressive enough, the dances are super fun, the locations are interesting and the song choices are impeccable. You’ll hear everything from Prince to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs to Lykke Li.

Check it out above.
Trend Themes
1. Epic Dance Mania Virals - There is an opportunity for businesses to create viral dance content that is epic and captivating.
2. Fun and Experiential Dance Challenges - Businesses can capitalize on the trend of fun and experiential dance challenges, encouraging people to participate and share their videos.
3. Impeccable Song Choice in Dance Videos - Businesses can explore the trend of using perfect song choices in dance videos, enhancing the overall viewer experience.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can leverage the trend of epic dance mania virals to create engaging and shareable content for a wide audience.
2. Social Media - The social media industry can take advantage of the trend of fun and experiential dance challenges by providing platforms and tools for users to participate and share their dance videos.
3. Music Streaming - The music streaming industry can explore the trend of impeccable song choice in dance videos by curating playlists specifically tailored for dance challenges and viral videos.

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