Dance Conversation Ads

Puma's Dance Dictionary Will Get You Bumping and Grinding

Sometimes talking can get dull and mundane, to change things up PUMA decided to create a dance dictionary for people to convey all their sentences in dance format.

For the new campaign for PUMA's 'Sync fragrances,' the company partnered with dance choreographer Super Dave and 25 other dancers to create a dictionary of dance. For each word there's a corresponding dance move that represents it. One can create sentences such as "Hey bro your body is hot."

The website houses several pre-made sentences with words that can be interchanged to create new sentences -- imagine talking to your friend like this. It may not be the most practical way of speaking, but it does seem like a lot fun.
Trend Themes
1. Dance Language - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating new applications for dance as a means of communication and self-expression.
2. Interactive Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporating interactive elements into advertising campaigns to engage and entertain consumers.
3. Creative Communication - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing innovative and unconventional methods of communication to capture attention and enhance brand experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Exploring new ways to integrate fashion and creative expression, such as using dance as a form of fashion advertising.
2. Marketing & Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Embracing interactive and unconventional advertising techniques that break the mold of traditional marketing strategies.
3. Technology & Communication - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Leveraging technological advancements to create new platforms and tools for creative and immersive forms of communication.

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