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Fearlessly Individualistic Ads

‘Dance’ Man Shows The Internet How To Get Comfortable

Following in the footsteps of the pot belly "Beach" man who strolls comfortably along the shoreline in his Speedos, Wieder & Kennedy have created a new ad titled "Dance," which shows a man "dancing like the entire internet isn’t watching." The ad, featuring multiple projections of a man in a yellow polo shirt and a blue tie getting down to the beat of "Estrelar" by Marcos Valle, is the latest in a series of ads promoting the liqueur company Southern Comfort’s slogan of "Whatever’s Comfortable."

Following from other ads that showcase others fearlessly flaunting their stuff, such as the "Karate" man at the hairdressers, the role call for the man who doesn’t fear the menacing gazes of the Internet was supposedly an international search. The "Dance" man, looking nonchalant but completely in the groove, would put most even contemplating posting themselves dancing on the Internet to shame.

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