Retro Black Bed Sets

House of Hackney's Dalston Rose Gives Your Bedroom a Vintage Makeover

You don't have to be a hipster to dig the new Dalston Rose wallpaper, linen and furnishing line from House of Hackney, but it definitely wouldn't hurt. House of Hackney is a newly launched London brand that is aiming to change many games with its new Dalston Rose line designed to give your bedroom a new-age look with a vintage feel.

The unique colors used in Dalston Rose are designed to give the viewer the feeling that the wallpaper or bedspread is fading to black towards the bottom. The color scheme is creepy at first, but once you get past the pale-skinned model advertising it and notice how the light hits it, the set really doesn't look too bad.
Trend Themes
1. Vintage Bed Set Trend - The growing popularity of Vintage Bed Sets among consumers presents an opportunity for retailers to create more vintage-inspired designs.
2. Color-fading Trend - The color-fading design trend is gaining popularity in the home décor industry, offering opportunities to create unique and innovative products that will appeal to consumers.
3. New-age Vintage Trend - The New-Age Vintage trend presents an opportunity to create bedroom designs that combine vintage elements with modern accents to create a unique and appealing look for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor Industry - The Home Décor industry can tap into the growing popularity of vintage bed sets by offering new and unique designs that appeal to consumers.
2. Retail Industry - The Retail Industry can leverage the popularity of the color-fading design trend by offering a range of products that cater to the demand for these unique designs.
3. Fashion Industry - The Fashion Industry has an opportunity to offer consumers vintage-inspired clothing and accessories that complement the new-age vintage bedroom designs trend.

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