CBD Brand Dog Recipes

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D Oh Gee CBD Peanut Butter Pupsicles are 100% THC-Free

The D Oh Gee CBD Peanut Butter Pupsicles recipe has been created by the Sky Wellness-owned brand as a way for consumers to incorporate its products into a homemade food for their furry friend.

The recipe consists of a quarter cup of creamy natural peanut butter, three-quarters of a cup of plain greek yogurt and the dog's serving of D Oh Gee CBD Dog Oil Drops. The recipe is then placed in the freezer in a mold or an ice cube tray to be served to pets whenever they need a dose of their CBD treatment.

The D Oh Gee CBD Peanut Butter Pupsicles recipe is 100% THC-free and boasts a nutty flavor with hints of bacon thanks to the 100% natural bacon flavor of the CBD Dog Oil Drops.
Trend Themes
1. Cbd-infused Pet Food - Companies can disrupt the pet food industry by incorporating CBD into their products, providing health and wellness benefits to pets.
2. Homemade CBD Pet Treats - Customers can create their own CBD-infused pet treats, which can lead to a growing market for DIY pet treat kits and online classes.
3. CBD for Pet Wellness - Opportunities exist in the wellness industry for companies developing CBD-based products for pets, promoting overall health and homeostasis.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Food - Incorporating CBD in pet food provides an innovative way for companies to meet the growing demand for organic, natural, and healthy pet food options.
2. DIY Pet Treats and Classes - The trend towards homemade pet treats and the desire for healthful options places CBD DIY treats and online classes in a position of growth opportunities.
3. Pet Wellness - Companies can capitalize on consumers’ increased interest in holistic and natural pet care by developing CBD-based products for different aspects of pet wellness, including anxiety, pain relief, digestion, and overall well-being.

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